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  • #RedDress was inspired from a love of №fashion and a fear of complacency.
    #RedDress was inspired from a love of №fashion and a fear of complacency.
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  • From the way #RedDress looks to the #clothes that are soul is on display.
    From the way #RedDress looks to the #clothes that are soul is on display.
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At #RedDress LOVE #fashion, but they wouldn’t be anything without the women who make up our demographics. Who is the Red Dress woman? You are perfectly imperfect. You love fashion, affordability, laughing with your friends, and your life. You don’t dress well only to impress others—you dress well for the thrill of it! You don’t need kitschy sentimentality to click with the right boutique, but you’ll smile when you see yourself in the description of a new #dress online (that called your name the moment you saw it). You’re just good like that. You’re humble, but you know you’re made of awesome. You’re tenderhearted, but a ferocious protector of those in your inner circle. You’re graceful, smart, and industrious. You are not a mere customer. You are a Red Dress Woman.
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