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  • #MissionFarms mission is to create #hand-crafted premium CBD products that specifically address #health conditions like anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness so that you feel good again.
    #MissionFarms mission is to create #hand-crafted premium CBD products that specifically address #health conditions like anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness so that you feel good again.
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  • #MissionFarms Premium CBD that is hand-harvested from the Napa Valley of Hemp in central Oregon.
    #MissionFarms Premium CBD that is hand-harvested from the Napa Valley of Hemp in central Oregon.
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#MissionFarms started Mission Farms because they wanted a trustworthy source of #CBD for their families. You deserve the same. All of #MissionFarms CBD comes from a small farm in Bend, Oregon. It is one of the premier hemp-growing regions in the world. They farm the hemp organically and tend every plant by hand. And for your assurance, #MissionFarms test for purity four times: the soil, the hemp, the hemp-extract, and the final products. You can be confident you are getting CBD products that improve your health
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